Sunday, July 26, 2015

Between the dark matter of nothing
and the supreme light of God
a pile of dishes must be washed

One soul cries from a pit of despair
another soul cries from the glory of heaven
and I fold a pile of laundry

I wish to be neither and I wish to be everything
I wish to merge into the sublime bliss of love
but a hiccup brings me to now and I sweep the floor

Wondering why enlightenment requires the mundane

Why my journey requires toothaches and dust bunnies

I'm an odd kind of spiritual soldier who battles toothpaste spray on mirrors
Who travels to exotic places like grocery stores
Slaying the beasts with ironing boards of justice
Dousing the evil with Pinesol
Victorious in the daily battles, struggling in the nightly meditations between the sublime and the ridiculous
- Cronin Detzz

Tuesday, February 24, 2015


    Particles and strings
    and crow's flapping wings
    Create all the illusion of which we sing
    Sunsets and golden oak trees ...
    Crying babies and war and disease

    Wake up and see we are all One
    Wake up to the reality that ascension has begun
    -Cronin Detzz

Friday, February 6, 2015

Poem: Possessions

An egg timer set to detonate in three minutes
Aromatic roses decaying in the sunshine
Pearls and flowery teacups and pinky fingers

Black and white photo of a vibrant husband
The American flag folded into a crisp triangle
Silver urn on the mantle holds what remains

Mahjong tiles and a ceramic rooster Kitchen gadgets from QVC that she never uses
A recipe card holder hermetically seals her coffee cake instructions
Tupperware lids and gravy boats set sail

Memories crocheted into afghans
A mantra for every seam in her cross stitches, "She's going to love this"
Denying her possessions could define her
- Cronin Detzz

Monday, January 26, 2015


Down the rabbit hole
So dark, so dark
Cobwebs and enticements
"Drink this"
"Eat this"

And no amount of anything will fill the void
And no amount of solitude will reconnect her
She knows this, yet she goes anyway

It's all lost, she's all lost
Chasing the rabbit
He is just so damn fast
If he can sew up her shredded soul
If he can stir her up and make her whole
Then yes, she'll keep chasing him down the rabbit hole

All she really wants is to feel normal
To wrap her arms around everything that means home
And never never never let go
-Cronin Detzz