Saturday, January 25, 2014


Art versus the science of writing

I don't attend writing workshops. I don't want a book on "Writing for Dummies."

I do read author blogs and I do educate myself on writing great dialogues and the like - but not TOO much.
The reason? I have this awkward fear it will ruin my writing. Sure, learning more about plots and denouement and killer endings would improve my writing. I know this. But wouldn't it take the fun out of writing if I tried too hard? Moreover - and here is the crux of the matter - would it change my writing? Would my writing become less like one of my own flesh-and-blood children and more like a grammatically correct Frankenstein?

If I know too much about themes, antagonists, and symbolism, will the fun be sucked out of stories like the vampires that my English teachers proved to be? To put it in Hollywood terms: if I know how the special effects crew created a compelling scene, the magic of the movie is lost forever.

What do you think? I'd love to hear from you, even if you are an English teacher, as long as you promise to refrain from biting my jugular.

Keep writing & keep sharing! - Cronin Detzz

Saturday, January 18, 2014


I'm in hot pursuit for a literary agent who wants to represent a fresh voice on women's issues.  It took six years, but my first manuscript is complete and I cannot wait to share it!  My book, "American Onion," deals with overcoming the stigma of depression.  It is a sordid tale of what I have been through, culminating in the startling accusation of being married to a child molester.  These are tough subjects, but I know that so many people have been affected by mental illness that this book must be shared. 

I've invested many hours on my query letter.  In the spirit of sharing resources, below is a link that I highly recommend regarding successful query letters to literary agents:

According to Media Bistro's link (above), these are letters that actually WORKED.

Another good resource can be located at Writer's Digest:

It’s a time consuming process to find the right agent, but with enough effort and patience I’m confident that I will succeed – and so will you.

What has worked best for you?

Keep writing & keep sharing! – Cronin Detzz

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Dream big – what’s your idea of a dream home for a writer?

Here is my short list:

1. To recharge, we need to be able to connect with nature. Ideally, I’d love to conquer writer’s block by taking a walk in the woods. Other writers might prefer a walk on the beach, a hike in the mountains, or apartment patio gardening.
2. A large tub with whirlpool jets to soak our aching backs would be great. Doesn’t that sound great after a writing marathon?
3. A room or a “suite” that is separate from the rest of the house would help us write with more focus. This could be a large den on the second floor with windows so that the writer can gaze at the setting sun on tree tops. High above the world, he can hone his craft.
4. Sell us a house with interesting designs, provenance, or ghosts. We will incorporate the house into our writing. Haunted house, anyone? What a fun writing prompt that would be!
5. Writers tend to go into hibernation at times, so if the house had a good security system, we could keep solicitors and mothers-in-law from intruding.
6. One room has to be a library, or at least one wall should be earmarked for shelves. Writers are readers.
Writers, what features would your dream house have? Does the right environment help you overcome writer’s block?  I’d love to hear your ideas.
Keep writing & keep sharing! – Cronin Detzz