Saturday, February 15, 2014


Before I was inspired to blog, I had to ask myself WHY.  I work full time, I’m raising a family, and I squeeze writing into spare moments.  My life is already taxing, so why would I add on more work?

I especially have to use my energy wisely because I have fibromyalgia.  It is a terribly painful disease that saps precious energy.  One day, I had an epiphany: "Forget about the fibromyalgia.  Be the change that you seek." The "change" I seek is to be published by a strong publisher with wide appeal. So how could I "be" a publisher?

I self published, and it was a good educational experience. But being self published is not aligned with the axiom of "being" the change that I seek. How could I give back to an industry that has meant so much to me?

I realized that I could blog - but not with the intent to self promote. My goal is to mentor writers and support poets. In this small way, I hope to help others overcome writer's block and let writers know that they are not alone in their trials and tribulations. Someone mentored me. It only seems right that I should return the favor. If I've helped just one person through this minor contribution, then I am thrilled!

Why do YOU blog? Many of you blog in order to grow your audience. Don't stop! But what other goals do you have in conjunction with your blog? I'd love to hear from you.

Keep writing & keep sharing! - Cronin Detzz

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